July in The Radical Broccoli Membership:



This month, we will create a beautiful healing space in order to take a step into even deeper cycle wellbeing, and into our feminine energy. We are shifting our focus onto the energetic, emotional, and embodiment work that is highly supportive for our hormonal balance. The first week, we will gather to introduce the month, and we will have a dance ritual to shake off stagnant energy or stuck emotions. The following week, we meet for our womb healing ceremony and cacao, followed by our group mentoring and cards. Lastly, we will create an anger release practice that you will be doing on your own, to release any stagnant anger from your body, an emotion that many find it challenging to express. This month is all about letting go of whats hindering our deep female wellbeing, and creating FLOW!


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July in The Radical Broccoli Membership:


This month, we will create a beautiful healing space in order to take a step into even deeper cycle wellbeing, and into our feminine energy. We are shifting our focus onto the energetic, emotional, and embodiment work that is highly supportive for our hormonal balance. The first week, we will gather to introduce the month, and we will have a dance ritual to shake off stagnant energy or stuck emotions. The following week, we meet for our womb healing ceremony and cacao, followed by our group mentoring and cards. Lastly, we will create an anger release practice that you will be doing on your own, to release any stagnant anger from your body, an emotion that many find it challenging to express. This month is all about letting go of whats hindering our deep female wellbeing, and creating FLOW!
Become a member to join all the sessions!

Emotional RELEASE dance + intro to the MONTH

with Susanne Bastviken
July 3rd, 10:00-11:00 cet
Dancing is one of the powerful ways to connect to our feminine energy, and to build a relationship of love with our physical body, and who we truly are. It’s a deep form of connecting with our intuition, and letting it guide every move, and letting go of space and time. When we are deeply present, we are in flow with everything that is, we are in creation mode, and we are so magnetic. Can’t wait to dance with you!


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with Susanne Bastviken
8th of July, 20:00-21:00 cet

In the second week of the month, we will gather in ceremony to celebrate our incredible wombs. Each of us will create a comfortable and beautiful space at home, and we will burn a virtual fire where each of us can place and release anything that no longer serves us! We will make heart opening cacao (for those who have and like cacao), or any kind of hormone supporting herbal drink.

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with Susanne Bastviken
8th of July, 20:00-21:00 cet

In the second week of the month, we will gather in ceremony to celebrate our incredible wombs. Each of us will create a comfortable and beautiful space at home, and we will burn a virtual fire where each of us can place and release anything that no longer serves us! We will make heart opening cacao (for those who have and like cacao), or any kind of hormone supporting herbal drink.
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with Susanne Bastviken
July 16th, 19:00-20:00 cet

Exclusive session for members. This is your chance as a member to get guidance and direction on your specific questions. The session offers potential for transformation, and the questions that come up usually resonate for the whole group. It's never random who shows up.
You can ask anything related to your personal journey, whether that is your relationship with yourself, with others, your work, romantic life, life changes, or anything that feels challenging to you at the moment. Picture it as a coaching session, just that we are in a group, so that everyone can benefit from hearing your questions and answers.We will also bring our card decks, so you can ask for a card from any of our fun decks during the session. Looking forward to it!

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Anger RELEASE, Integration & JOURNALING

Final week of July 

This week we will practice anger release at home. We will guide you through an important somatic practice that will release any un-expressed anger in your body. This will help us re-balance our nervous system, to create overall harmony in the body, and therefore a deeper sense of wellbeing during our cycle. Us women tend to hold back anger, and we need to find healthy ways of releasing it, if we want to find an overall flow and balance in our bodies and our cycles. The anger can be channelled into such creativity if we allow it to!

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