May in The Radical Broccoli Membership:


This month promises to be incredibly nourishing. We're going to open our minds, bodies, and nervous systems to deep rest. We'll teach ourselves about the benefits of rest - emotionally, spiritually, physically, and mentally.
Previously, I resisted rest, always thinking there was something more productive to do (a nod to the perfectionist in me). I didn't realize that the quality of my work would decrease without proper rest. My decision-making would become clouded, my ego louder, and everything would feel more challenging. Over time, I've learned that I receive the most clarity and best ideas while resting or in a rested state. I believe it's one of the keys to connecting with our guides, or the universe.
For women, our hormonal balance greatly benefits from rest. More specifically, from learning to manage our energy. We'll learn when to give more and when to lean back. This understanding will unfold over the coming months.
We're fortunate to have two exceptional guests this month, Claudia and Rachel. Both are passionate yoga teachers specializing in rest and yoga nidra. They'll hold two sessions - one deep meditation for rest, and another exploring our relationship with rest and our limiting beliefs about it.
Become a member to join all the sessions

May in The Radical Broccoli Membership:


This month promises to be incredibly nourishing. We're going to open our minds, bodies, and nervous systems to deep rest. We'll teach ourselves about the benefits of rest - emotionally, spiritually, physically, and mentally.
Previously, I resisted rest, always thinking there was something more productive to do (a nod to the perfectionist in me). I didn't realize that the quality of my work would decrease without proper rest. My decision-making would become clouded, my ego louder, and everything would feel more challenging. Over time, I've learned that I receive the most clarity and best ideas while resting or in a rested state. I believe it's one of the keys to connecting with our guides, or the universe.
For women, our hormonal balance greatly benefits from rest. More specifically, from learning to manage our energy. We'll learn when to give more and when to lean back. This understanding will unfold over the coming months.
We're fortunate to have two exceptional guests this month, Claudia and Rachel. Both are passionate yoga teachers specializing in rest and yoga nidra. They'll hold two sessions - one deep meditation for rest, and another exploring our relationship with rest and our limiting beliefs about it.

Become a member to join all the sessions!

ALLOWING ourselves

with Susanne Bastviken
May 7th, 19:00-20:00 cet

Susanne will open this month with a heart-to-heart conversation on her relationship and story with rest, and how it relates to our self-worth and perfectionism. We will explore the benefits of rest in a holistic way, also diving into the spiritual realm, understanding rest as a key benefit to connecting deeply to something bigger. We will look at the most common resistance and blockages that we face when it comes to resting, and how we can let them go.

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with Rachel & Claudia
May 15th, 19:30-21:00 cet

In this first session, we talk about how we can prepare the mind-body for rest, and why this is important, then be guided into a full yoga nidra practice to support you in feeling rested, safe and inspired.
1. Welcome intro: Who are we and what we do
2. How to prepare the mind-body for rest - Theory & Practical
3. Full yoga nidra guided meditation

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Explore your 
with REST

with Rachel & Claudia
May 22nd, 19:30-21:00 cet

We’ll talk about the stress-rest cycle and how to support yourself when you are in a phase of stress. We’ll explore your relationship with rest and how this is shaped by not just the now but also by what came before you. We’ll close with a powerful connection with our ancestors.
1. Discussion & Inquiry prompts - Stress/Rest Cycle
2. Short guided meditation - Timeline Meditation
3. Discussion & Inquiry prompts - Relationship with Rest
4. Ancestor meditation - Gratitude & Receiving Rest

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with Susanne Bastviken
May 28th, 19:00-20:00 cet

We close the month with our group mentoring with Susanne. This is your chance as a member to get guidance and direction on your specific questions. The session offers potential for transformation, and the questions that come up usually resonate for the whole group. It's never random who shows up.
You can ask anything related to your personal journey, whether that is your relationship with yourself, with others, your work, romantic life, life changes, or anything that feels challenging to you at the moment. Picture it as a coaching session, just that we are in a group, so that everyone can benefit from hearing your questions and answers.We will also bring our card decks, so you can ask for a card from any of our fun decks during the session. Looking forward to it!

Become a member to join this session